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Sustainability at Avaya

We believe it is our responsibility to help make the world a better place, and are devoted to making a positive impact to address the global challenges we all face

Avaya employees planting trees

Environmental sustainability

Avaya remains committed to environmental sustainability, doing our part to combat climate change, identifying opportunities to reduce the environmental impact of our activities, solutions and services and facilitating the return and end-of-life management of electrical and electronic equipment, batteries, and packaging.

Planting a seedling in the earth

Investing in our people.

“At Avaya, we take the phrase ‘people first’ very seriously. We share a mindset here to create an environment where we feel valued, productive, and have the opportunity to learn and grow. As a team, we’re all about thriving, both inside and outside the workplace.”

—Kamilah Thomas, Chief Human Resources Officer

Avaya employees at ENGAGE

Building and maintaining a responsible supply chain.

Supply Chain Expectations

Supply chain expectations

Avaya pursues conformance to the Responsible Business Aliance's Code of Conduct, which establishes standards to ensure that working conditions in global supply chains are safe, that workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that business operations are environmentally responsible and conducted ethically.

Supplier Code of Conduct
Supplier Diversity Program

Supplier diversity program

Avaya’s Supplier Diversity Program is designed to achieve our objective of increasing diverse strategic supplier alliances that reflect the diversity of our associates and our customers. 

Ethically Sourced Materials

Ethically sourced materials

We are committed to upholding and respecting human rights for all people, including those who work in the earliest parts of our supply chain. Our goal is to work collaboratively with suppliers to source minerals consistent with our values around human rights, business ethics, labor, health and safety practices, and environmental responsibility.

Human Rights

Human rights

Avaya pledges to protect human rights, including the rights of women and minority groups. We maintain and continuously enhances our programs and policies to identify risks and prevent the use of child and forced labor, modern slavery, and human trafficking in our business operations and supply chain.

Giving back to our communities.

Communities—local and global—represent one of our core stakeholders, and we make concerted efforts to give back to the communities where we operate and where we have the greatest impact. We recognize that providing local support through volunteering and community programs, along with charitable giving efforts, are essential to being an active member of a community.

Achieving consistent, measurable quality.

At Avaya, we adhere to our ISO 9001-certified Quality Management System to define, develop, and deliver best-in-class solutions for our customers and partners. We focus on innovation and excellence to build market-leading products and consulting and support services.

Policies and position statements

Avaya’s policies reflect a specific statement of principles and or guiding actions that express our clear commitment on an issue. Policies are established to respond to legal or regulatory guidelines; resolve a conflict or problem; recognize legitimate interests; and/or prepare, inform and guide internal and external stakeholders. Our position statements articulate our stance on a specific issue and may become policy, as appropriate.

Awards, ratings, and rankings:

2024 Brandon Hall Group Award - Gold
2024 Brandon Hall Group Award - Silver
El Economista logo
Ecovadis Sustainability bonze logo
CDP Logo
itag Excellence Award logo
itag Excellence Award logo
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