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Atento Customer Story
"CX innovation with technology driven by human touch”

Atento is one of the world’s leading business process and transformation outsourcers, with 150,000 staff serving more than 400 clients across 17 countries. Maintaining their position at the top of their industry requires both a highly skilled team and innovative technologies. Atento’s customers’ needs and expectations are constantly evolving and growing, with flexibility, customization, and cost-effectiveness being major drivers. Atento’s partnership with Avaya enables staff to deliver legendary customer experience (CX) through AI, automation, and cloud flexibility while elevating their own employee experience (EX), reflecting Atento’s brand promise: “CX innovation with technology driven by human touch”. The result has been measurable improvements in CX and EX, leading to real business growth.

For over 20 years, Atento has gone beyond basic customer service to create lasting bonds between brands and consumers. Atento take pride in guaranteeing the best customer experience for their clients. That word— guarantee—is not something they take lightly, it’s a promise that requires a significant commitment. Atento consider themselves to be ready at every moment for their customers to have the best experience possible.




Year of foundation



Organic international growth resulted in disparate technologies and customer processes across multiple countries. Without a strategic plan to create uniform and flexible environments, this growth
threatened to limit the innovation Atento could bring to clients.

As a global leader in CX, CRM, and BPO, Atento faced these challenges in an increasingly competitive market. The core issues included:

  1. Scalability and Efficiency: Optimizing resources assigned to each market, seeking an integrated solution to reduce complexity, and mitigate geographic risks.
  2. Standardization: Independent customer adoption across multiple countries meant separate processes and configurations, requiring unification to reduce costs and complications.
  3. Innovation Adoption: Continuously integrating innovative technologies, requiring a robust and flexible infrastructure for rapid adoption and deployment.
  4. Customer Expectations: Meeting modern customers' demands for personalized and immediate responses across multiple channels.
  5. Data Analysis: Transforming vast amounts of data into actionable insights for enhanced decision-making and operational strategies.
  6. Cost Management: Increasing operational efficiency while managing costs through automation and optimized resource allocation.
  7. Business Growth: Addressing other challenges without disrupting the growth trajectory.


Atento’s dynamic approach to customer engagement involves looking at the complete customer journey, supported by an innovative digital platform, to transform processes and drive measurable results. At a time of rapid change, Atento’s goal is to be that resource their customers can always come to for meeting
the growing needs of their own consumers.

To provide this level of support, Atento introduced new levels of agility, intelligence, and efficiency using a combination of Avaya cloud and on-premises platforms, AI, automation, and analytics. Key initiatives included:

  1. Resource Optimization: Atento engaged Avaya to find a single solution for all countries
    in each region.
  2. Standardization: Atento took a staged approach to the rollout of standard
    configurations across each country.
  3. Cloud Adoption: Atento started looking at both public and private cloud solutions from Avaya, understanding that customers and applications require flexibility and choice. The ability to customize was core to Atento’s decision-making. Atento adopted AXP private and public cloud solutions from Avaya, ensuring they could adapt to any customer requirement.
  4. AI Integration:
    • AI-Driven Customer Interactions: Implementing AI-powered Avaya Conversational Intelligence and virtual assistants to handle routine inquiries.
    • Predictive AI Models: Leveraging predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and tailor interactions.
  5. Advanced Self-Service:
    • Automated customer direction: Streamlining call routing and reducing wait times with natural language processing.
    • Self-Service Options: Enhancing self-service options for customers, improving their experience and reducing the load on live agents.
  6. Comprehensive Analytics:
    • Actionable Insights: Using Avaya's analytics tools for realtime insights into customer interactions.
    • Data-Driven Decision Making: Using detailed analytical reports to optimize business processes and improve customer engagement strategies.
  7. Automation:
    • Process Automation: Automating routine tasks and workflows using Avaya’s automation solutions.
    • Customer Journey Mapping: Using automation tools to map customer journeys accurately.



Atento recognized the importance of applying AI in a meaningful and intentional way to improve the customer experience and drive new efficiency gains. Avaya’s AI capabilities have been a game-changer, enabling Atento to drastically improve the experiences they deliver while reducing total cost.

The deployment of Avaya’s technology yielded significant positive outcomes, enhancing both operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Key results included:

1. Improved Customer Experience (CX):

  • Personalized Interactions: Delivering highly personalized customer interactions with AI and analytics.
  • Enhanced Service Quality: Realizing a 60% call deflection in self-service, contributing to a 5% improvement in service quality.

2. Increased Efficiency and Cost Savings:

  • Reduction in Call Handling Time: Reducing average call handling times by 20% with AI and self-service automation systems.
  • Reduction in Post-Call Work: Using AI to quantify next-level drivers of customer satisfaction, reducing after-call work by approximately 65%.
  • Operational Cost Reduction: Automation resulting in significant cost savings and a 25% reduction in attrition rates among call center agents.
  • Rapid Adoption: Aggressively rolling out cloud to 12 lines of business in four months.

3. Enhanced Business Performance:

  • Boost in Conversion Rates: AI-driven customer engagement strategies leading to a 65% increase in conversion rates.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: Real-time analytics providing insights into resource utilization and improving overall productivity.
  • Productivity Increase: Increasing team productivity by more than 30%, reducing response times by more than 12%, and reducing treatment times by up to six days.

​4. Strategic Insights and Decision Making:

  • Predictive Analytics: Using predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and market trends.
  • Increased EBITDA: Improving efficiency and increasing EBITDA by 5%.

5. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty:

  • CSAT: Driving a 22% increase in ‘Customer Delight’ scores with Avaya Conversational Intelligence.
  • Reduced Customer Churn: Enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction, leading to decreased customer churn rates.


Atento’s strategic partnership with Avaya and the deployment of advanced AI, automation, and analytics technologies have fundamentally transformed its operations. By addressing the challenges of scalability, customer expectations, data utilization, and cost management, Atento has achieved remarkable improvements in customer experience, operational efficiency, and business performance. The company has also managed to increase revenues significantly.

Following extensive reviews of available market solutions, Atento found that the core capabilities within Avaya’s solutions were a market differentiator.

Atento needed an unmatched technology foundation to deliver on their promise of the best experiences for customers. Avaya is proud to help fulfil this ambition.

About Atento

Atento, one of the world’s leading business process outsourcers, operates in 16 countries. Atento contact centers help companies strengthen relations with their clients, using a technology platform that supports exceptional multichannel interactions and positive customer experiences

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