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Avaya Helps Control Spread of COVID-19 in China While Guaranteeing Customer Business Operations

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In early 2020, the unexpected outbreak of COVID-19 caused a rapid spread across China and the rest of the world. Avaya and its business partners responded quickly, donating remote consultation video systems and remote visiting systems to frontline hospitals, helping slow and control the epidemic, meeting the visiting needs of patients’ relatives, and providing protection for medical staff.

Avaya also worked to ensure the operation of its customers’ businesses. The company immediately proposed remote/home agent solutions, and proactively communicated with customers to understand their requirements for such a solution. Following implementations, customers could depend on the stable operations of their businesses.


January 24

On January 24, aware of the increasing severity of the epidemic situation, Avaya decides to support Wuhan. The company’s representatives urgently organize, deploy and team up with partners to donate audio and video systems and remote visiting equipment to Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital in Wuhan, completing development to delivery within 48 hours.

Avaya Package for donation to hospitals.

January 27

The COVID-19 outbreak begins to pose huge challenges for customer service agents. As a result, Avaya begins providing customers with home agent solutions, which not only effectively avoid cross-infection, protecting the health of employees, but also guarantee the daily operation of customers’ contact centers, ensuring users are able to continue enjoying an outstanding service experience.

Avaya remote home agent solution.

January 30

During the Spring Festival holiday, medical staff in Beijing Huimin Hospital, the only NCP specialist hospital in Xicheng District, are still fighting on the frontline against the epidemic. After communications with the hospital, Avaya immediately organizes resources and donates the latest remote consultation video systems for isolation wards to the hospital.

Avaya engineers installing remote consultation video systems for isolation wards.

February 3

RRS Lexis, a customer service center of Haier Group, fully applies Avaya's home agent solutions and migrates its traditional customer service system to homes and mobile terminals with the latest technology. Now, the customer service personnel are empowered to perform most of their daily tasks in a family-oriented environment, not only helping protect the health of employees during the outbreak, but also creating an efficient way for communicating between the enterprise and the customers.

February 3

Zhejiang medical teams hurry to Wuhan, contributing hugely to national anti-epidemic work. Learning about the situation, Avaya, together with partners such as Zhiang and Tengyue, donate Avaya XTE 240 remote consultation video systems to the Zhejiang People's Hospital, to help support their work.

February 3

Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, the first NCP specialist hospital in Wuhan, officially begins to admit patients. In order to assist in the prevention and treatment of the epidemic, Avaya donates audio devices in remote diagnosis video systems, partnering with Xiaomi Group to create a customized remote visiting video system. Avaya also cooperates with partners such as Digital China, Zhiang, Rongda and Huixun to provide technical support for debugging and system installation. Before long, the audio and video equipment, supported technically by Avaya, has been accepted and put into use officially.

February 4

Avaya again cooperates with Xiaomi Group, Changhong Jiahua, Rongda, Huixun and Zhiang to donate customized remote visiting video systems to the upcoming Leishenshan Hospital, and also provides technical support services such as field deployment, installation, debugging, training and follow-up operation and maintenance.

Avaya device packages for Leishenshan hospital in Wuhan

February 5

Avaya continues to provide customers with 24-7 uninterrupted customer support to ensure the effective operation of customer contact centers during the epidemic.








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