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Avaya Donates Remote Visitation System to Tongxiang Hospital

To add to the efforts around the containment of the COVID-19 virus, Avaya and its partner Shanghai Zhiang have donated a number of remote visiting systems to Tongxiang Hospital at the Tongxiang Branch of Zhejiang Province People's Hospital.

These systems enable patients and family members to communicate in and out of quarantine areas through video collaboration, greatly improving patients’ quality of life while in quarantine, and avoiding cross-infection during an epidemic. The solution also reduces the consumption of medical protective materials at a time of great need.

Tongxiang Hospital

The solution enables patients in the ward and families outside the isolation zone to engage in two-way audio and video calls through a customized video conferencing application. Family members can communicate with patients through video visits, alleviates the psychological pressure felt by patients being treated for the COVID-19 illness, enabling a “human touch” while at the same time preventing contamination of family members. The solution also enables more frequent communication between healthcare staff and patients, and reduces the risk to healthcare staff of contracting the virus.

The equipment donated by Avaya deployed in the hospital’s information platform center

Ahead of the deployment, Avaya sent two teams of engineers to the hospital for commissioning and training. It soon transpired that a key requirement of the ICU ward was stability, meaning that an on-premise solution was required. As a result, Avaya engineers re-developed the hospital’s network so that it could accommodate the ICU ward’s medical applications as well as the new remote visitation application. The solution enables point-to-point high-definition audio and video communication between the isolation ward and the visiting area through a local area network. The equipment was then deployed and is now being operated on the front line of epidemic prevention, control and treatment.

Healthcare workers using remote visiting systems

Following the outbreak of COVID-19, industry sectors across society responded positively, making donations, and bringing solutions to the front line of the fight against the epidemic. For Avaya’s part, an assistance team was immediately established at the time, responsible for outreach to determine where the company can help in any direction.

Jointly with its partners, Avaya has now donated remote visitation solutions to a Wuhan Vulcan Mountain Hospital, Wuhan Lei Shenshan Hospital, and Zhejiang Provincial People ’s Hospital. The solution system and its equipment strictly abide by all safety and security requirements.

Tongxiang Hospital








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