April 13, 2022

Empowering Cloud Based Strategy in Government Agencies

It’s All About Empowerment

If you’re reading this as a decision-maker within a government agency – and we hope that you are! – you’re likely what we refer to as a “savvy” cloud user. You’re experienced. You understand cloud communications perhaps better or more so than your counterparts. When we think of government agencies and cloud strategies, we don’t often correlate the two – but in your world, we should.

Digital Transformation

By now, you’ve realized that your agency relies on digital transformation which can adapt and grow through uncertain times when everything is constantly in flux. Siloed, legacy technology is a thing of the past – now more than ever, digital transformation needs to and does occur through modernized agency communications, moving past outdated technology and into the future of empowered agencies.

Hybrid Work is Here to Stay

In nearly every industry, the need for remote workers has increased dramatically since 2020. We can apply that sentiment not only to our co-workers or even cohorts in the government sector but also to our constituents. With more and more people working from home – and that fact not changing anytime soon – it makes sense that government agencies are finally accepting digital transformation as an integral part of their constituents’ journey and their overall total experience.

As previously mentioned, agencies are moving away from siloed technology – however, that doesn’t mean that new siloed deficiencies cannot develop as we move towards a more technologically-advanced future (I know – it gets somewhat complicated, doesn’t it?)! Identifying these moments can help aid your agency to ensure that nothing slips through the cracks as you transform into a heightened version of your former agency.

The Benefits of Cloud-Based Strategy in Government Agencies

There are quite a few benefits to establishing a cloud strategy within your agency – namely, modern communications can do away with collaboration gaps in employee communication, end legacy tool inefficiencies, and overcome negative customer/constituent interactions. Taking the stress out of communication leads inevitably to increased employee happiness and a more positive work environment and workflow. Additionally, a modern workflow can incorporate voice calls, messaging, meeting over video, and contact centers seamlessly. How, exactly, does this improve employee happiness?  Let me answer that. Allowing employees to utilize simple-to-use hybrid work environments increases their overall happiness and workflow efficiency because it takes the struggle and frustration out of communicating their work by making it smoother, easier, and more natural. Empowering employees to share files on virtually an all-in-one, cloud-based platform that integrates easily with current programs is key to creating a unified communications workforce. When employees and constituents can communicate on a reliable platform, cost reduction, efficiency, and goal achievement go up. And that is important because employees affect customer experience. Within government agencies, not only are they representing their agency, but also the government itself (at least, that can be how constituents see it).

Secure Connections + Collaboration = Operational Efficiency

To ensure your digital transformation is seamless, you need to have a secure communications platform for your employee and constituent communications. You could argue that security is one of the biggest factors to consider in any new technological advancement in the government sector; therefore, unreliable legacy phone systems should become a thing of the past. With Cloud UCaaS technology, those old phone systems can be replaced with new, easy-to-use solutions in which user adoption can be managed in an accessible way.

Technology should be available to all constituents; so much of government work involves caring for those who need technological advancements the most. Ensuring that technology barriers are removed is also key to equitable service. Multiple interaction channels should be offered to those that need them.

Let’s Talk Technology

When constituents have better experiences, it builds trust in their government agencies. Avaya has a long-standing history of working with such agencies and helping them to achieve better results through the use of communications technology. Talk to an Avaya representative today about how your agency can benefit from a cloud-based communications strategy.